One true Jesus Freak
JoinedTopics Started by One true Jesus Freak
Ummm... what day is the Memorial?
by joenobody innot going (obviously) but i need to know soon to plan something around family...
Jesus as Mediator
by One true Jesus Freak ini'm learning my way around the board, i did use the search feature, but i was not able to find what i was looking for exactly.
my question is, at one time jw were taught that jesus was their mediator, then later they were taught that he is not.
what is the current teachings of jesus being mediator?
Why exactly do you come to this board?
by R.Crusoe ini wondered if anyone, after starting to post here after so long being worried about doing, now just does it because they acn and hasn't stopped to ask why the still feel the need or even pleasure.. so why do you come here?.
do you know?.
it's not easy to completely explain what it is substiruting for imo!.
Hi I am new here
by One true Jesus Freak inhi i stumbled across this place from using the library computer.
someone had the page left opened and i looked around and thought to myself "what an interesting bunch of people" i don't mean interesting as in strange, but as in great.
i have enjoyed reading many of the posts by everyone.
who are the jehovahs witnesses and why do they refuse blood transfusions.
by chikikie in
my sister renaii will get cross with me, just found and read this whilst looking up serena williams, didnt know she was a jw!.
Now I lay me down to sleep ...
by compound complex innow i lay me down to sleep,.
i pray the lord my soul to keep.. if i should die before i wake,.
i pray the lord my soul to take.. .
Latest Watchtower Magazine Increases Odds of Surviving Armageddon!
by TooBad TooSad in99% of all jw's believe and are taught that to survive armageddon that you must be a jw or as a minimum be.
associated with the jw's.
however the april 1 "public" issue of the watchtower has some interesting wording.
by What-A-Coincidence infuneral discourse .
remarks regarding the deceased (use any that apply and are appropriate.
(note: instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth.